Psychedelic community research

Welcome to an innovative study on the subjective experiences with psychedelics, conducted in collaboration between Miraculix and the Psychedelic Substances Research Group at the Charité - University Medicine Berlin. This research seeks to illuminate how dosage, active ingredient concentrations, and individual differences affect experiences with psychedelic substances, addressing critical data gaps that have been historically overlooked. 

Study Objectives and Unique Contributions 

Our project is unique in its comprehensive approach to understanding the nuanced effects of psychedelic substances. By integrating Miraculix QTests and laboratory analyses, we aim to elucidate the correlation between dosages and the resulting experiences. This initiative is spearheaded by pioneering questionnaires designed by Dr. Felix Blei and Dr. Sergio Perez for psilocybin experiences, exploring the entourage effect in psychedelic mushrooms. At the same time, the Psychdelic Substances Research Group at the Charité, led by Dr. Tomislav Majić, is investigating the acute and subacute effects of LSD and psilocybin, taking into account the set and setting as well as personal characteristics. This dual focus allows an unprecedented exploration of the individual and combined impacts of these substances. 

Your Role and the Value of Your Participation 

Your participation is pivotal. By contributing your test results and personal experiences, you play a crucial role in steering psychedelic science towards new horizons. Participation is voluntary, upheld by the highest ethical standards, as approved by the Ethics Committee of Friedrich-Schiller University (Jena, Germany). Your privacy and anonymity are assured; you may engage with the study to any extent you prefer, with the option to bypass any questions. 

Outcomes and Dissemination 

Upon the study's completion, we will disclose our findings through the Miraculix Community Research Homepage and ensure open access publication. This will include insights into the average psilocybin content across mushroom strains, species, and the dose-response relationships of LSD/psilocybin. For further details on our study's background and the concept of the entourage effect, we invite you to visit our website.

Invitation to Participate

We cordially invite you to join this groundbreaking research endeavor. Your contributions will not only advance the field of psychedelic science but also empower our community with critical knowledge. Let us collectively forge new understandings of psychedelic substances and their profound impact on human consciousness.

miraculix uni jena